Magnetic NanoLight

The research carried out in our group, based at Sorbonne University and part of the CNRS, aims to develop photonic nanoantennas to strongly increase the electric and magnetic fields of light, their gradients, and their polarizations to manipulate and boost the numerous interactions between light and matter.

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In this paper, through the inverse design optimization of a gold nanostructure, we demonstrate enhanced volumetric, unidirectional, intense, and ultrafast photocurrents via a magneto-optical process derived from the inverse Faraday effect.

In this paper, 135 years after Heinrich Hertz's first radio antenna, we describe a new type of photonic antenna that behaves like a magnetic monopole, from optical wavelengths up to GHz frequencies, featuring even a single effective magnetic charge at its center.

In this paper, we engineered a plasmonic antenna at the apex of a near-field probe to illuminate a living cell at the nanoscale, resolving molecular diffusion within nanoclusters and distinguishing it from nanocluster diffusion.

In this paper, we demonstrate that a gold plasmonic nanorod can generate a DC magnetic field through an inverse faraday effect and a linear polarisation, which was thought to be impossible.

In this paper, we demonstrate that a gold plasmonic nanoantenna, optimized by a genetic algorithm, generates ultrafast pulses of stationary magnetic fields in the tesla range.

In this paper, we show non-radiative energy transfer manipulation,  through a photonic nanoantenna

In this perspective, we outline what we believe to be the future of dielectric nanoantennas, in relation to light-matter coupling

In this paper, we show that through photonic nanoantennas, 'magnetic light' and matter interactions can dominate their electric counterparts.